Tax Time Seminar

It is February and to many of us that means we should be preparing for income tax time. Not something we look forward to, but something we cannot avoid. In the past, our ASA tax expert, Robert York, has attended one of our February computer club meetings. This year,...

Membership Renewals

Your membership for next year is now due. The cost for Aurora residents is $25 and for non-residents it is $35. You may pay by cash, cheque, debit, or visa. A table will be set up in the lobby from December 2 until December 13 and again from January 2 until January...

Seniors Centre Without Walls

In 2019, staff at the Aurora Seniors Centre are excited to announce the launch of Seniors Centre Without Walls. Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) is a community outreach program to support vulnerable and isolated seniors and adults with physical disabilities who...

Annual Memorial Service

Each year we take time to honour the members of the Aurora Seniors Association who have passed away. Please join us on Wednesday, January 23 at 2 p.m. in the West McKenzie Room to celebrate the lives and contributions of those members. Our Evergreen Choir will sing,...

Remembrance Day

This year Remembrance Day will be on Saturday. We will show the Aurora’s Sesquicentennial Legacy video: Remembrance Day Past, Present and Future in the Lounge on Friday, November 9 at 12 p.m. Coffee and cookies will be available. We invite you to attend the...

Membership Renewals 2019

Volunteers needed to assist with membership renewals during the following weeks: December 3 to December 7 January 2 to January 4 January 7 to January 11 There will be two sessions: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. If you are interested, please sign up at...

Aurora Seniors Centre

The Aurora Seniors Centre is operated in partnership with the Town of Aurora's Community Services Department. Its success is based on the Seniors who volunteer their time and Town of Aurora staff. Our goal is to provide programs, events and activities that will benefit and enrich the lives of older adults.


  • 90 John West Way
  • Aurora, ON L4G 6J1
  • 905-726-4767
Aurora Seniors Association
Town of Aurora
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