News Archive

News Archive

The Auroran

The Auroran

The Auroran is as community newspaper that the residents of Aurora look forward to receiving every week for local news, entertainment and views. The Auroran encourages community groups to contribute columns to entertain and enlighten them as to what is happening in...

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President’s Report October 2022

I am happy to report that our Open House, Membership Drive and Activity Fair this past month were quite a success. We had lots of folks attending and several of them became new members. We even had several past members rejoin as well. We have now past the 1200 member...

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What’s going on?

What’s going on?

Members of the Aurora Seniors Association can participate in a huge variety of enjoyable activities, all included as part of their annual membership. Check the Activities page of this website, and click on ASA Activities for a full list. Do you have questions about...

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Introducing our new website

Introducing our new website

You are now looking at the newly redesigned Aurora Senior Association Website. This redesign is the combined efforts of 6 volunteer members and make several functionally important changes. But, before we get to what those changes are, let’s talk a bit about what the...

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Pickleball Rocks!

Pickleball Rocks!

What’s the fastest growing sport in North America? Pickleball of course! A cross between table tennis, tennis and badminton, Pickleball has exploded in popularity in the last ten years and pickleball courts are popping up all over Ontario and the rest of Canada. At...

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Resources to help you get started with a new App

Resources to help you get started with a new App

As many of us try to stay in touch with friends and family we are being bombarded with several new Apps we know nothing about. We frequently get questions in the Computer Club meetings about how to use a messaging app, or how to get started on Facebook...

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President’s Report September 2022

Hello again ASA Members, It feels like summer has just begun and yet here Labour Day and the Ex have come and gone. I remember as a kid that, although I really looked forward to the CNE, it did mean the end of summer and that wasn’t appreciated. But I’m alright seeing...

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President’s Report August 2022

Well I hope you are all surviving these "dog days of summer"! Interesting little trivia for you. Did you know that this expression did not come from watching Fido lazing around on a hot day but actually refers tothe brightest star in the constellation, Canis Major,...

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President’s Report July 2022

Greetings ASA Members: To begin with I would like to introduce you to your ASA Board for the June 2022 - June 2023 Calendar year. They are as follows: Dave LeGallais - PresidentJim Abram - Vice President,John Scherrer - SecretaryCheryl Rhines - Treasurer...

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2022 AGM Minutes Our 2022 Annual General Meeting will be heldWEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, starting at 1 p.m. This is your opportunity to participate in decisions affecting your Association. The June 8, 2022, A.G.M. will be different in that it will be a hybrid version including...

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Aurora Seniors Centre

The Aurora Seniors Centre is operated in partnership with the Town of Aurora's Community Services Department. Its success is based on the Seniors who volunteer their time and Town of Aurora staff. Our goal is to provide programs, events and activities that will benefit and enrich the lives of older adults.


  • 90 John West Way
  • Aurora, ON L4G 6J1
  • 905-726-4767
Aurora Seniors Association
Town of Aurora
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