Enjoy life. Stay active.
Fun after 55!
Latest News & Updates
Hello Everyone; I hope this letter finds you all well. I wanted to touch base with you during this very unusual time to give you some of my thoughts and some suggestions. As you probably know by now the Aurora Seniors Centre has been closed down temporarily....
Tax Time Seminar
It is February and to many of us that means we should be preparing for income tax time. Not something we look forward to, but something we cannot avoid. In the past, our ASA tax expert, Robert York, has attended one of our February computer club meetings. This year,...
Membership Renewals
Your membership for next year is now due. The cost for Aurora residents is $25 and for non-residents it is $35. You may pay by cash, cheque, debit, or visa. A table will be set up in the lobby from December 2 until December 13 and again from January 2 until January...