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Latest News & Updates
Membership Renewals 2019
Volunteers needed to assist with membership renewals during the following weeks: December 3 to December 7 January 2 to January 4 January 7 to January 11 There will be two sessions: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. If you are interested, please sign up at...
Learn to Knit – New!
While knitting three small projects (fingerless gloves, button cowl, hat), you will learn several necessary basic skills to get started knitting; understanding yarn & gauge, casting on, knit and purl stitches, button holes, casting off, seaming. Participants need...
ASA Board Elections
NOMINATIONS FOR 2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members in good standing are encouraged to declare their candidacy for election to the Board of Directors. The term of office is for three consecutive years commencing with the Annual General Membership Meeting in June 2018. THE...