Seasons Greetings Everyone!

As this year winds down I’m left with two impressions. On the one hand it seemed that 2021 would never end but then looking back it seems it flew by. The older I get the more that seems to happen. In any case I am looking forward with hope to 2022.

As you’re probably aware we were finally able to open our doors this past October, beginning with eight of our safest programs and in November added four more. Seven more activities will be added gradually throughout December and January. Also the capacity for many of these activities will be increased over the next couple of months due to the easing of provincial protocols. Please check the Newsletter for more information.

Our intention is to return by January 4th 2022, as close as possible, to the full program and space usage we enjoyed prior to March 2020.

As of January 2022, our members will begin paying their annual membership fees and activity fees again. The ASA will also begin again paying our user fees to the Town, as we did prior to March 2020. For information regarding renewing your membership for 2022 please see the newsletter or check the website.

There will still be a few activities that will not be starting yet, for a number of reasons, but we hope to get them up and running sometime in the New Year. We are always looking for Volunteers to coordinate various programs. If you are interested in getting some information on that or if you have a suggestion for a new activity that our members might enjoy please don’t hesitate to contact me at ( I’d love to hear from you.

As your activities resume your coordinator will contact you to advise you of the dates of your activity as well as to outline the various protocols we must follow. Though many of you know the drill I will repeat some things for members who are just returning. You must preregister for all activities at the Centre. There are absolutely no “walk ins”. You can register by phoning reception at 905-726-4767 or emailing at

Masks and hand sanitization are still mandatory. You will be asked to show proof of vaccination, show photo ID, sign a Liability Waiver and sign a Covid-19 Screening form. I know that sounds like a lot of fuss but it’s all intended to keep everyone safe! These protocols are a one time thing except the Covid-19 form which will be renewed every 3 months. For further information or to download the forms before your first visit please go to our website and click on re-opening. All the information is there. Forms are also available between the front doors. If you can have all this done prior to your visit back it would certainly speed things up as well as making it a lot easier on reception.

Please note the Centre will be closed from December 24th till January 3rd. inclusively for the Holidays.

I would like to take this time to sincerely thank Karie, Andrew and Bill for all they do for our Centre and to give a very special Thank You to all our volunteers. You have been essential to opening the Centre as safely and pleasantly as possible. Without your help we would not have this wonderful place to come to!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday Season and I’d like to wish you all a Very Happy New Year! Hopefully we will all be back at the Centre socializing and enjoying our various activities in 2022. I know I’ve missed everyone and I’m sure you have to.

 All the Very Best of the Season from my family to yours:  Dave LeGallais

Aurora Seniors Centre

The Aurora Seniors Centre is operated in partnership with the Town of Aurora's Community Services Department. Its success is based on the Seniors who volunteer their time and Town of Aurora staff. Our goal is to provide programs, events and activities that will benefit and enrich the lives of older adults.


  • 90 John West Way
  • Aurora, ON L4G 6J1
  • 905-726-4767
Aurora Seniors Association
Town of Aurora
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